Whilst on our travels to visit The Son, he took us to a fabulous art community just up the road in Pennsylvania called New Hope. It was originally on the half way point on the road from Philadelphia to New York City, and was the crossing point for the ferry across the Delaware River. It was just a few miles south where Washington crossed the Delaware in his advance against the Hessians in Trenton on Christmas night in 1776. He had the ferry burned to prevent the British troops from following him, and the hapless town was then shelled by the British forces when they rang for the ferry and having no response, assumed the town was sympathetic to the Colonials. Some of the older structures in town boast of having unexploded British ordnance in their roof beams. (This would not allow me to sleep well.)

New Hope was originally known as Coryell's Ferry, after the owner of the business, the current name came into use after a fire in 1790 burned several mills in the area, their reconstruction was considered a "new hope" for the area. Washington was said to have lodged in New Hope the night before his trip across the Delaware. We viewed the iconic painting of his crossing in the Park Museum, and for literalists it must be difficult to reconcile. The icebergs did not exist, mere thin sheet ice, but are meant to represent the difficulties Washington faced in his battles with the British. The flag pictured did not come into being for many years afterwards, Washington used his own regimental flag, if any - since they crossed in the dark of night in stealth. The Delaware River is quite narrow, and given the men, arms, supplies and horses that had to be ferried across in the night, it was a fortuitous crossing for the Colonial fighters.

We (well I did, the guys were humoring me) had a delightful afternoon browsing the various art shops filled with pottery (yay), jewelry, Irish clothing, and gourmet food shops. The store we over indulged in sold balsamic vinegars and olive oils infused with delicious flavors, the shop owner graciously arranged for us to have them shipped home. It was almost like a wine tasting, with wee cups and spoons to sample the varieties. I can hardly wait to macerate fresh summer fruits in the chocolate raspberry vinegar, and The Spousal Unit has plans for the jalapeño lime oil to baste pork chops on the grill.
Being able to visit with our son, and his cat, without rushing to a hospital or hotel was absolutely wonderful. These high efficiency air cleaners and new asthma meds have given me back a lot of freedom. And I must say that little Macaroni was a charmer, affectionate and curious. Those two get along very well together, and holding a purring cat is quite the relaxer after a stressful day at his job.

He and his father always have projects when they are together, some just plain fun. They constructed a large Lego StarWars Walker, to add to the collection begun nearly 30 years ago. That's how our holidays have always been spent, with the two of them sharing in transforming thousands of minute pieces into a pirate ship, a space vehicle or aircraft. I am just thrilled not to have to dust them any longer. TSU also caulked a shower, glued carpet to basement steps, and the two of them built two enormous work tables in the basement for weapons cleaning and a basic work bench. Our timing was perfect to catch the flowering trees, the plums, cherry and apple blossoms were out in profusion, the air was delightfully perfumed.
I'll post photos of my latest pottery projects next time, our class made large platters yesterday and they will need a week to dry before being ready to trim, then bisque, then glaze and fire again. It's definitely a practice of patience to be a potter. Today I have a beer soap to wrap for a customer who wanted a unique birthday gift, it doesn't smell beery but will have lots of suds! (groan, right?)
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