The Artist's Soul

The Artist's Soul

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Good, The Bad and the Fuzzy

The Good - I have a mountain of soaps, balms, shaving mugs, and raku cup candles all set up and ready to pack for the weekend Art in the Garden.  Of course, thunderstorms are predicted for most of Saturday.  Pottery is impervious to water, simply empty it out and go on with life.  We all know what happens when water is added to soap.  Appropriate in the bath or sink, but not exposed to a storm.  I may have to be inside the house, at least for one day.

The Bad - on one of my walking routes there is a home with stunningly ugly "garden art" in their front yard.  It is the Epitome of Tacky.  A water feature which by itself would be quite nice, but the water spurts from the mouth of a plastic hippo (tacky), there is a wishing well (tacky), a large plastic tortoise (tacky) and today I had to stop in my tracks, whip out my phone and capture this Hideous Monstrosity.  They have added a huge nasty rattlesnake.  It is the first time in my life I've been tempted to consider an act of vandalism.  If I am arrested I hope one of my Gentle Readers will come with bail money .  I've never liked snakes, in any shape or location, and after recent events I'm even less toleratant of them as garden decor.

The Fuzzy - Little Mr. Rocky has had a week of stomach upset, perhaps caused by his unwillingness to leave the cat's wet food to the cats.  After multiple episodes of digestive disgrace, one of which soiled the man of the house who was most unhappy about said soiling, the decision was made to put the wet food out of Rocky's reach.  The solution was high altitude dining, most creative in our opinion and well executed by the wood working talents of our son.  The cat tower now boasts seating with a window view, inaccessible to wee dogs with a delicate tummy.


1 comment:

  1. getting in my car now. bringing an ax and an old garden tiller. i have bail money, but will it be hard to pay it if i'm on the bench in the cell with you?

    i agree the skyview dining for felines is genius. and most tasteful.
