Anyone remember the basic personality issues from their college Psych 101 classes? I'm definitely getting a complex from the blog. I can write a pity or heartfelt post and get maybe 14 views from readers, but post a picture of my son's menagerie and VIOLA! Readership doubles or triples. Or even more if it's a day when the trolls from Russia decide they must also view cute cat picture. Not click on cat? Nyet!!
I humbly bow to my readerships
devious subtle behavioral reinforcement. Here, again, is the incorrigible Mr. Macaroni. When I ask the son about the antics of his cat the reply is usually "he's a cat" whereas the Divine Miss M will regale us with amusing stories of derring do and feline mischief. And she's fantastic with supplying our photo library with fresh images of "the boys".
SOME of us read them all, seductive kitty pics or not. And we will have nothing to do with those east of The Fatherland's border. Voi Kauheaa!